

Mastemon is an Angel Digimon. It is an Angel Digimon who manipulates light and darkness, and has the power to cross through space-time. Mastemon resulted from the DNA Digivolution of Angewomon and LadyDevimon when a great crisis visited the Digital World and controls the forces of the Angels and...

Angewomon X is an Archangel Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. Its sacred power is amplified, and Angewomon can release pure spirit by touching fire, earth, wind, and water. As a result, fire has the effect of driving away evil, the earth quickly sprouts and blooms, water is purified, and...

Angewomon. An Archangel Digimon with the appearance of a beautiful woman. Although it was previously classified as an Angel-type, it was confirmed as an Archangel-type because of the greatness of its abilities. As their trait, Adult angels have six wings, and Perfect angels have eight wings.

Summary. Angewomon is a perfect level, Archangel type Digimon. She is considered to be a "Perfect Angel" due to the greatness of her abilities and by the virtue of having eight wings, while most angels only have six. She is extremely kind and gentle, like her evolved form Ofanimon.

An Archangel Digimon with the appearance of a beautiful woman. Although it was previously classified as an Angel-type, it was confirmed as an Archangel-type because of the greatness of its abilities. As their trait, Adult angels have six wings, and Perfect angels have eight wings.

Angewomon (エンジェウーモン) is Ultimate form of Salamon. In Wizardmon's Gift, In Prophecy, In The Battle for Earth, In Enter The Dark Masters, In Ogremon's Honor, In The Crest of Light, In Joe's Battle, Angewomon gets into a catfight with her rival, LadyDevimon, who greets the chosen children atop...

Lovely Angemon is the Digimon partner of Shinjō Michi . Lovely Angemon first appears in Chapter 12 of Season 2. After Shinkai Sara is able to get Michi and Angewomon out of Grand Dracumon's hypnosis, they both apologize to each other, Angewomon for her weakness and Michi for leaving her own partner aside for her problems.

Angewomon is a high angel Digimon with the appearance of a beautiful woman and the soul of a female goddess in the Digital World. It has eight or six wings, a powerful Celestial Arrow move, and can be evolved from other Vaccine Light Digimon.

An Angel Digimon with six shining wings and a body clad in divine white cloth. This being of absolute goodness is said to bring happiness, and Angemon remains utterly composed in the face of evil, attacking relentlessly until its foe is annihilated. Legend has it that Angemon has often descended at the head of a host of other Digimon of the ...

Angewomon is the natural champion form of Gatomon. Angewomon is a divine warrior type digimon that commands the powers of light. Angewoman pulls no punches with attacks from all ranges and all angles making here one of the best Ultimate in the digital world.

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